I'm François and I'm online now
My first blog post

It's my first step online. I mean, I'm not starting a peacock breading program or anything. You shouldn't be congratulating me for writing a blog post on a website with a single member (my partner, I signed them up without asking).
My mom isn't even following me yet. I haven't yet decided what specifically I will be curating on francoismagny. But that's okay right? Right? (Don't answer that).
I left Social Media behing about five years ago. I quit Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I was addicted and unhappy about it. I figured that if I wasn't deriving joy from it, why bother? Turns out, it was easy to quit. I found ways to cope, new hobbies too.
I bought a Nintendo Switch and started gaming. Fell hard for Zelda Breath of the Wild. I met fun people online while hunting Monsters. I started reading more business books. I even took a few classes in personal knowledge management (hello Building a Second Brain). And now, I'm ready to try sharing my perspective.
I'm an interesting guy. At least my friends think so. I'm in my 40s, I've been to a lot of countries from New Zealand to Georgia. I lived in Asia and Europe. I work with smart, amazing people and this month, I returned to school for the first time since I graduated from Université du Québec à Montréal in 2001.
So, this blog is my attempt at sharing what I find interesting as well as what I'm learning as a middle-aged gay man living his best life in the beautiful Canadian prairies.
Come along for the ride, let's see what we have in common.