Leader Spotlight - Morgan Bunce

Productive Powerhouse and caring leader (and father).

Leader Spotlight - Morgan Bunce

Morgan is a productivity powerhouse and a fantastic leader in IT at Farm Credit Canada (FCC). He leads a team of 25 individuals comprised of technical and non-technical resources to enable these solutions.

How do you ease into the weekend?

My weekend start is Friday noon. I deliberately ensure I have Friday afternoons dedicated to reducing carry over work from week to week. This doesn’t mean I complete all things, it simply means on Monday I’ll have everything staged for the next step to be actioned.

What are some of your favourite podcasts?

I am not a heavy podcaster, when I have time, I enjoy a good TedX session. I feel it gives me variety and I always end up learning something or seeing something from a different perspective which helps me keep grounded.

What's your current favourite TV series?

I am a sucker for an “end of days” type series. I’ve recently finished watching Snowpiercer on Netflix

What's a Saturday or Sunday must?

  1. An extended workout (take care of yourself)
  2. A family meal (gratitude for friends and family)
  3. Coffee and a crossword on Sunday (slow down)