Leadership Profile - Brooke Larson

Brooke is a force of nature, and a nature lover.

Leadership Profile - Brooke Larson
Brooke Larson "in the wild"

Brooke Larson is a dedicated and hard-working professional with over two decades of commitment to Farm Credit Canada. Currently serving as a Senior IT Director, she leads a large group of highly talented and competent human beings and takes great pride in being part of the team.  Outside of the office, she has created a full life as a wife, mom and working to make her community a better place. She remains on a journey to strike a harmonious balance in all of it and encourages others to do the same.

What’s your ideal start to a Sunday?

Coffee and quiet. I’m always the first up in the household and despite my extroverted-ness I relishes this alone time.

Your current TV/Podcast/Blog/Game or book obsession.

I don’t watch much TV and I’m not a gamer (outside of a good old fashion round of cards or board game) but I do listen to podcasts A LOT. One I’ve recently binged and stay up to date on is ‘Heavyweight!’ (if you like real life stories that aren’t murder mysteries, this will be right up your alley). As an avid life long learner, I tend to tune into many leadership/business/personal development podcasts such as “The Knowledge Project”, “A bit of Optimism”, “Work Life” and a few French news podcasts (to keep my bilingual listening muscle flexed)

What’s one piece of advice you’re glad you didn’t follow?

My Oma’s advice on the day I got married “Never go to sleep angry” … Forget that! I’m not good angry and alert, let alone angry and tired. It’s a recipe for disaster. And a good night’s sleep has continually allowed me to gain perspective on whatever has me “angry” with my husband. 😉

How do you take care of yourself during the weekend?

I suffer from overproductivity and have a hard time sitting still most days, particularly on the weekends. I tend to be buzzing around the house from dusk to dawn so I have implemented some mandatory couch time on the weekend. To counteract my “I really should be doing something” urges, I sit in the couch and I knit. And I love to create beyond knitting, I like all sorts of art mediums (and I won’t pretend I’m any good at any of them) but I enjoy the ability to press the pause button on life and be creative. 

What are your plans for the fall?/winter?

In October, my husband and I hopped in my Mini Cooper and headed south on a US road trip. We clocked over 6,000 kms, hitting eight states with a few really neat pitstop. The big one was a U2 concert at the Sphere in Vegas. 5 stars! Would recommend! 

As a family we just came back from a week away in the Rockies where we hiked and hiked some more – it’s an annual getaway tradition. So with all that behind me, the rest of the fall/winter looks like a lot of Saskatchewan 😊

Your soundtrack of choice for the weekend?

Having recently seen U2 in Vegas, I treated myself to the Achtung Baby album on vinyl and find myself playing it on repeat while taking care of mundane household tasks. Music spices up the boring parts of life!