Doing the right thing is never the wrong thing

Here are three tips on how to apply a little Ted Lasso magic to your life

Doing the right thing is never the wrong thing
Photo by Ran Berkovich / Unsplash

This is a simple but powerful principle from the Apple TV+ Series Ted Lasso. I'm facing a few dilemas at work right now and after doing some soul-searching, I'm going to move forward in a direction that aligns with my core values and the expectations of my role.

Here are three tips on how to apply a little Ted Lasso magic to your life:

  1. Think about the consequences of your actions
    Before you do something, ask yourself: How will this affect me and others? Will it cause harm or benefit? Will it align with my values and goals?
  2. Listen to your conscience
    Your conscience is the inner voice that tells you what is right and wrong. It is based on your moral and ethical beliefs. When you are faced with a dilemma, listen to what your conscience says and follow it.
  3. Be honest and accountable
    Honesty means telling the truth and being transparent. Accountability means taking responsibility for your actions and admitting your mistakes. When you are honest and accountable, you show respect for yourself and others, and you build trust and credibility.

Do you want your actions to reflect your values? I can help.