Your Back to School Weekend Lift

It's that time of year again - back to school! But before you hit the books, take a break and catch up on the latest news with your Weekend Lift!

Your Back to School Weekend Lift
Photo by Drahomír Posteby-Mach / Unsplash

Good Vibes

This week in the news

Leader Profile

Sandy McDonald - Chief Superintendent of Schools and Coach

Sandy McDonald loves to party

What’s your ideal start to a Sunday?

On an ideal Sunday I’m usually up first, so my day starts with a cup of coffee.  With coffee in hand, I’ll catch the highlights from Saturday’s sports and news, and dig into in whatever book is at the top of my currently reading pile.  I’ve usually got 4 or 5 on the go at any one time, and lately have been reading lots about the importance and impact of nature on people’s wellbeing.  The rest of an ideal Sunday will be time spent with my wife, preferably outside, and our two labradoodles.  We love to be active in all seasons and one of the best things about having dogs is that they don’t care about the weather or the seasons as much as we do, so we almost always get outside just to keep them happy! The bonus is it keeps us healthy.

Your current TV/Podcast/Blog or book obsession.

We don’t watch much TV but will go on binges to catch something on a streaming service.  We like documentaries and biographies, can easily be captured by a quality true crime series or podcast, and have a soft spot for offbeat comedies.  This fall we’re looking forward to catch up to the last season of Succession and we are really looking forward to the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour when it comes through Grande Prairie in January.

What’s your morning drink of choice?

I’m not particularly picky; in the morning I prefer a plain, black coffee, preferably made at home but the gas station near my house also has some pretty good coffee.  We have two favourite local restaurants in Grande Prairie, Jeffrey’s Café and Major’s Homestyle Restaurant.  Nothing beats the experience of going out to eat and experiencing hearty home-made cooking and the atmosphere of homestyle hospitality.

How do you take care of yourself during the weekend?

As I’ve aged, taking good care of myself has become more of a priority and over time I’ve learned the importance of moderation, hydration, getting enough physical activity and getting enough rest. Both my wife and I work busy jobs, so we try to focus all week on wellness and moderation.  On the weekend however, I like to emphasize wellness by making sure I elevate my heart rate for a reasonable amount of time every day, making sure I drink enough water, and striving to get a minimum of 8 hours sleep each night.

What are your plans for the fall?

Fall is always an exciting time of the year for me because it is the start of a new school year.  I associate fall with hope, optimism, excitement, and possibility, and we just finished a weekend celebrating all that is good about life at the amazing Bear Creek Folk Festival.  This fall I am particularly focused on being deliberate about my personal growth and I plan to engage less on social media and more on reading books and seeing/talking to people in person.  😊 Fall weather might be my favourite time of the year to be outside and it is the perfect time to stay balanced and get the house and myself physically prepared for the chilly months to come in the winter.

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