One job our robot-overlords won't steal from us

It's not all doom and gloom for us leaders.

One job our robot-overlords won't steal from us
Photo by Arseny Togulev / Unsplash

Leadership and artificial intelligence (AI) are two buzzwords that have been at the forefront of many discussions in recent months. While leadership has always been a critical aspect of organizational success, the rise of AI has created new opportunities and challenges for leaders (and teachers) to navigate. In this short brain share, I explore the relationship between leadership and AI.

Top Skills for 2023

Management is, according to a LinkedIn report, the most in-demand skills for 2023. Management! And it’s followed closely by other decidedly human skills: communication, leadership, and teamwork.

AI is not a replacement for human leadership (or management). AI is a tool that can enhance leadership effectiveness by providing us with insights and data-driven recommendations that can inform decision-making. Leaders who embrace AI are better positioned to make informed decisions, optimize performance, and stay ahead. Use AI, be a better leader.

Identify paterns

AI can help leaders to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies that are difficult for humans to detect. For example, AI algorithms can analyze large amounts of data from customer feedback and social media to provide us with valuable insights into customer preferences, behaviors, and expectations. This information can inform product development, marketing campaigns, and overall business strategy. I can hear my leader in charge of our IT Service Desk tell me that better service is all about better data.

Still no silver bullets

However, it is crucial to recognize that AI is not a silver bullet. Leaders must have a deep understanding of AI and its limitations to leverage its full potential. We must also ensure that AI is ethically deployed and that they remain accountable for the decisions made with the help of AI.

Get uncomfortable and let go of your ego

I'm just now starting to get curious about AI and wow does it make me uncomfortable. I work in IT and I have to admit few new technologies are as mysterious as AI. I am diving into this field with next to no expertise and I'm willing to learn. It's exciting, but also scary.

AI is transforming the way we think. Leaders who embrace AI are better positioned to make informed decisions, optimize performance, and stay ahead of their competitors. However, to fully harness the benefits of AI, leaders must remain vigilant and ensure that they remain accountable for the decisions made with the help of AI. Ultimately, the successful integration of AI into leadership will require a combination of technical expertise, ethical considerations, and strong leadership skills.

See, your job is safe... for now!