How to Stop Living on Autopilot

Choosing and acting from purpose means being intentional about your life. It means making conscious decisions

How to Stop Living on Autopilot
Photo by Jukan Tateisi / Unsplash

I'm in my late forties. I won't live forever. I'm not going through life without a clear sense of purpose anymore. What about you?

🤢 Living by default

  1. Follow the expectations of others,
  2. Follow the habits of your past, and
  3. Follow the impulses of their present (swipe, swipe, scroll).

Living by default is so comfy. It also leads to dissatisfaction, frustration, and regret. You may feel like you are missing out on something more meaningful, fulfilling, or authentic. You may wonder if you are living up to your true potential.

🧚🏽‍♂️ Living by Design

Choosing and acting from purpose means being intentional about your life. It means making conscious decisions that reflect who you are and what matters to you. It means taking responsibility for your happiness and well-being.

Steps to help you:

  1. Define your vision. This is the picture of what you want your life to look like in the future. It's the destination that you aspire to reach. It's the expression of your dreams and aspirations. Examples of vision statements are "I want to be a successful entrepreneur who makes a positive impact in the world", "I want to travel around the world and learn from different cultures", etc.
  2. Discover your passion. This is what makes you feel alive and excited. It's what sparks your curiosity and interest. It's what gives you joy and satisfaction. For me, it's leading and unlocking potential in people.
  3. Align your actions with your purpose. This is where you put everything together and take action towards fulfilling your purpose. It means setting goals that are aligned with your values, vision, and passion. It means prioritizing activities that bring you closer to your purpose. It means avoiding distractions that take you away from your purpose.
Don't settle for living by default; choose to live by design. I can help you with that.