How to cast a positive and powerful leadership shadow

A positive leadership shadow can inspire, motivate, and empower employees.

How to cast a positive and powerful leadership shadow
Photo by Rene Böhmer / Unsplash

As leaders we have an influence on the employees who report to us and the peers we interact with. That's sometimes referred to as a leadership shadow.

A positive leadership shadow can inspire, motivate, and empower employees, while a negative one can demoralize, discourage, and undermine.

What are the ingredients of a leadership shadow?

  • What you say,
  • How you act,
  • What you measure (or what is important to you), and
  • What you prioritize.

How to improve your shadow?

Here are three questions you can ask yourself right now.

  1. Where do you spend your time? What falls off your schedule?
  2. What gets followed up? What do you turn a blind eye to?
  3. How aligned and consistent are you with what you say, how you act, what you prioritize and what you measure?

Become self-aware is key

Reflect on above questions and follow your gut. Do you see an area where you are not casting the right shadow? Ask your peeps! Get feedback.

Do you need guidance to set a different course or cast a more positive shadow? Consider an Executive Coach! I might know a good one ;)