Your December 1st Weekend Lift

Find out why it's dark in space... and start using IJBOL in your text messages.

Your December 1st Weekend Lift
Photo by Sixteen Miles Out / Unsplash

Good Vibes Only: The Best News This Week

100% fewer cat videos

One-minute reads that pack a [coaching] punch

Get your way with better communications 🕺🗣️
How to Communicate Like a Boss and Get What You Want
Leadership Profile - Lisa Plant Ph. D.
Lisa is a force of nature, a team player and an excellent coach with a big heart.
24 Hours in Matsumoto
We enjoyed Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki, ate Japanese western cuisine and marvelled at that medieval masterpiece-of-a-castle.
Where will your confusion lead you?
The role of confusion in the learning process.

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