Your October 13 Weekend Lift

I am coming to you live from vibrant Toronto this week for an all east coast edition of the Lift.

Your October 13 Weekend Lift
Photo by Kerstin Wrba / Unsplash

Good Vibes

This week in the news

Feeling stressed? What if I told you there is a guide detailing the steps you need to take to feel less stressed? Head over to the excellent "Psyche" website for a longer read on the 4Ds approach to managing stress.

Leader Profile

François Magny (that's me) - Director Productivity & Collaboration

Trying on my progressive prescription glasses for the first time. #Bluesteel

I grew up in a small town by the Batiscan river in beautiful Québec. I eventually found my way to Montréal where I graduated from Université du Québec à Montréal before moving to the Canadian Prairies. I live and work in Regina (Sask.) where the summers are stunning and the winters brutal. During the today, I lead a team of exceptional IT professionals at Farm Credit Canada and in my spare time, I enjoy my fledgling Executive Coaching business where I get to connect with amazing professionals like yourself.

What’s your ideal start to a Sunday?

I try to go to bed when I'm tired (might be 9 p.m. or 2 a.m., it all depends) and I also try to get up at the same time every single day. So, I'm up at 7 a.m. My partner and I usually discuss Fantasy NFL football strategies before the games start. Sunday mornings are the best. 

Your current TV/Podcast/Blog or book obsession.

I’m a big fan of science fiction so it won't surprise you that the Apple TV+ series Foundation is currently high on my list. Season Two just came out. However, I tend to watch TV on the plane, so I'm saving it up for our upcoming journey to Japan.

My good friend Janita gave me "The Intellectual Devotional" book over a decade ago. The book offers 365 daily one-pager lessons meant to revive your mind and complete your education. I read it every morning. This morning was all about the Venetian musician Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741).

What's your morning drink of choice?

I am addicted to our Nespresso Vertuo coffee machine. I go for flavoured coffee. When out and about in Regina, I stop by fellow Weekend Lift reader Zack Wilson's favourite spot: The Everyday Kitchen for a cortado.

How do you take care of yourself (or your family) during the weekend?

I am a gamer and you will likely find me lost in Space while playing No Man's Sky on my Steam Deck. Writing articles for my blog also happens during the weekend as I don't have time during the week. I find writing relaxing.  

What are your plans for the fall/winter?

In November, I am traveling to Japan with my partner and my 74-year-old father. We will be spending time in Tokyo, Kyoto, the Japanese Alps and Nagasaki. My dad is an amazing, fit and active traveller, so I'm hoping we'll be able to keep up with him.

Your soundtrack of choice for the weekend?

Those who know me well won't be surprised by my answer here. Kylie Minogue released her 16th studio album and it is her best one yet. If you enjoy pop music, you simply can't go wrong with Tension.

Because you wanna read more

One-minute reads that pack a [coaching] punch

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24 Hours in Porto
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Don't be a stranger, I respond to every email (for reals).