3 Questions to Help You Feel Your Feelings and Grow

Sometimes, we need time and space to let things sink in emotionally. This means feeling our feelings fully and deeply, and reflecting on what we learned.

3 Questions to Help You Feel Your Feelings and Grow
Photo by Nik / Unsplash

How to let things sink in emotionally: a coaching perspective

Sometimes, we need time and space to let things sink in emotionally. This means feeling our feelings fully and deeply, and reflecting on what we learned.

But how do we do this without getting stuck or overwhelmed? And how can coaching help us?

Coaching is a way to support people in their growth. I support clients discover their own answers and solutions by asking questions, listening, and giving feedback.

One of the core skills of coaching is to embody a coaching mindset. This means being open, curious, flexible, and client-centered. A coaching mindset can also help us let things sink in emotionally.

Here are some tips on how to apply it to ourselves

  • Be self-aware: Recognize your emotions and how they affect you. Notice any unhelpful patterns of thinking.
  • Be self-developing: Identify opportunities to grow and learn from your experience. Seek feedback from others who can support you.
  • Be self-regulating: Manage your emotions and impulses in a healthy way. Find coping strategies that work for you.
  • Be playful: Experiment with different approaches and perspectives. Try new things and challenge yourself.

Letting things sink in emotionally can help you heal, grow, and transform. By applying a coaching mindset to ourselves, we can make this process easier and more meaningful.

Some questions to consider:

  • What is one thing that you need to let sink in emotionally right now?
  • How can you create time and space for yourself to feel your feelings fully and deeply?
  • What can you learn from this experience that will help you grow as a person or as a professional?