The Weekend Lift

Ease into the weekend with me.

The Weekend Lift
Photo by Anastasiia Chepinska / Unsplash

News you might have missed this week

Reimagining every president with mullets.

How tip creeping has changed the way we tip.

Jack Daniel’s halts building project amid whiskey fungus plague.

The secrets behind lifelong friendships.

Mapping countries by the number of paid vacation days.

What is ChatGPT? (More). It's everywhere from Air Fryers to Bing.

Pink dolphin shot wins Underwater Photo of the Year.

This week on the blog

Why your first reaction sucks and what to do about it
Your outdated first reaction is likely holding you back. What can you do about it?
#1 tip to build resilience
Your mom likely told you to count to ten before answering or acting emotionally. She was onto something…
For Every $ You Invest in Coaching You Get 7 back - Here’s why
Where else do you get 7 times your initial investment?

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Take a deep breath and imagine yourself in this tropical paradise. Bali. With Love.