Your September 8 Weekend Lift

Ease into the weekend with good vibes, actionnable leadership advice and a call to action.

Your September 8 Weekend Lift
Photo by Johannes Plenio / Unsplash

Good Vibes Only: The Best News This Week

Longer read alert - Do your days feel like a monotonous toil, akin to toothbrushing, but stretched over the entire day? Here's an in-depth strategy to get your mojo back. (read more).

Stop Wasting Your Time

One-minute reads that pack a [coaching] punch

Finding cheap flights - our secret sauce
My partner Edward is a wizz at finding cheap flights. He shares his tips here.
For Every $ You Invest in Coaching You Get 7 back - Here’s why
Where else do you get 7 times your initial investment?
5 Steps to Manage Paranoia
How can we cope with paranoia?
Leadership Profile - Zach Wilson
My amazing neighbour is also a disruptor.

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